Telemedicine with U.S. Multi-Specialty Group

Bringing the world together

Contact us at (512) 355-1750 for more information


Store-and-forward does not require a medical practitioner to see a patient in person. Relevant data that the doctor might need to assess the patient's health condition can be sent to the doctor as per requirements.

Remote Monitoring

This type of telemedicine is also called self-monitoring or self-testing. The remote monitoring method makes use of various technological devices that can help look after the health and clinical signs of a patient remotely.

Real-Time Interactive Services

Interactive services are an optimal choice for patients who require immediate medical attention. For entertaining real-time interactive services, various mediums can be used. These include online communication, phone, and home visits.

LET'S Get you started today!

Disclaimer: PLEASE DO NOT input sensitive medical information in the contact form. Call and speak with our staff.

Hours & Location:


Sunday – Saturday

8:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Contact Information

Telephone: (512) 355-1750
Fax: (888) 316-2534

Marketing Department
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Telemedicine Services Provided

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By using this for addiction treatment, we aim to have a better understanding of substance abuse victims. We prescribe and monitor medications that allow our patients to stop abusing opioids without experiencing severe side effects or withdrawals.


The service allows patients to have individual meetings with a consultant within the comfort of his or her own home.  Telemedicine has been proven to be an extremely effective in treating patients.



Telemedicine services can help in bridging the gap between practitioners and patients. Patients will be able to meet our medical providers from the comfort of their homes via video conferencing, rather than in a clinic or office setting.


telemedicine services

This telemedicine setup is better than trying to relay information to your doctor or nurse and then having them relay the message. The specialist can hear the sound of your cough or see your swollen eyes. You can hear firsthand about your diagnosis and treatment options.


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About us

Various breakthroughs have taken place in every profession because of the advent of technology. Faster connections and more reliable networking systems have made it easier and more convenient to connect for transmitting data and improving living standards. 

Similarly, many improvements have also been seen in the world of medicine and health with the introduction of telemedicine. To find out more about telemedicine services in Texas, you can read ahead to know more about the US Multi-Specialty Group!


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